Chairman Rhonda Rebman Lopez resides at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida. She currently serves on the board of directors of her family’s business, PECO International Electric. 

After graduating from the University of Alabama and working in Washington D.C. for 5 years, Rhonda moved to South Florida over 30 years ago where she met and married her husband, Jorge. Together they have raised two sons, Ben and Noah and have lived in South Florida for over 30 years. 

Rhonda has served as a Precinct Committeewoman for the Republican Party for many years in Miami-Dade as well as Monroe County. Rhonda has been involved in the Republican Party nearly her entire life. 

Rhonda currently serves on numerous boards and councils in South Florida. Civic virtue has always been important to her and she is honored to currently serve as the leader of the Monroe County, Florida Republican Executive Committee.  


For more than a decade, Antonia has been an active and passionate member of the REC and the Upper Keys Republican Club, and a leader in local GOTV efforts.  She's involved in national women's organizations -- C200, The Woman's Edge, and AWESOME, and Keys organizations –Upper Keys Business and Professional Women (BPW) and  League of Women Voters.  Antonia is a retired international financial services executive, and resides in Key Largo with her husband Bill Butcher.


Jessica is the Secretary of the Southernmost Republican Club, Monroe County REC Media Chairman and RPOF WarRoom Point of Contact. She has also worked in the real estate industry for over 25 years. She credits her lifelong Conservative values to her Grandfather, a dedicated Navy Veteran who taught his family how to work hard and cherish our loved ones. Jessica is originally from CA but has vowed never to California our Florida.  She has learned what it's like to watch communism slowly creep into our very own 50 states and left to live in the Florida Keys a decade ago. "Ya couldn't pay me to move back" - Jessica Prescott aka Key West Jess on social media. 


President of the Southernmost Republican Club, Sherri has lived in the FL Keys since 2008, married with four children and six grandchildren. She also has three Bachelors degrees and two masters degrees all focusing on Human Resource, Business admin, legal studies and leadership. Sherri worked for over 27 years in manufacturing and corporate experience with Honda of America. Sherri has a passion for volunteering including but not limited to churches, schools, nursing homes, assisted living as well as adults with special needs and the Special Olympics. Sherri is also a volunteer member of several committees within the Republican Party including but not limited to social media, fundraising and search and support of local candidate committees.